Are you Enjoying the World Championships?

Published: Thu, 08/15/13

Success in Track & Field... and Life

In This Issue...

• World Championships Update

• Most Controversial Post in 6 years

• Freelap Friday Five

• Best of June & July 2013


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We are in the middle of the World Championships, and we've witnessed some superb performances as well as some not-so-great moments.

How can you not like the way Christine Ohuruogu or LaShawn Merritt executed their 400m? (let’s forget about their past for a moment, please)

Then again, do we feel compassion for favorites Amantle Montshou or Kirani James?

The Blog offers plenty of insight, from Lee Evan’s How to Lean at the Tape, to How to Improve your last 100m of the 400m.  This will be an ongoing series:

And finally, how about those athletes who purposely slow down in the heats and make the next round based on fastest losers? I've been there before, and the wait is agonizing, trust me on that one!  We are witnessing Athletics at the highest level, but mistakes do happen.  There’s plenty of excitement and entertainment in the final 4 days.  I’ll be watching.

I would love to hear your thoughts!  You can hit "reply" to this email and send me a message.

Most Controversial Post in 6 years

Drug talk has dominated the summer of 2013, notably from high profile sprinters Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell testing positive.  Those were just the tip of the iceberg.

In July, I did an interview for Simone Proietti on the Italian website  Here is the translated English version:

The article goes in depth on how to cheat using drugs, but then I quickly backup my statements on how we can fight the drug war.  That is, if “they” want to fight it… the only thing missing is money and motivation! (Thanks to Brooks Johnson for that quote)

Freelap Friday Five

If you are going to read only one article per week, then I recommend the Freelap Friday Five.  I started Season 3 and I plan to interview 16 of the world’s top coaches, therapists, and support staff.  I kicked off Season 3 with fellow Canadian Dr. Jeff Cubos.  All the interviews offer great insight to the world of high performance sports.

You can read all 33 interviews here (16 + 16 + 1):


Best of June & July

As always, here are the best articles for June 2013 and July 2013.


Jimson Lee

Aires Merritt 7 Steps to Success

text goes here First, I want to congratulate Andreas Behm who has been appointed the Head Coach of the World Sprints Center at the World Athletics Center, based in Phoenix, Arizona. (read the press release here) Second, there was good article on The Guardian last Friday where they had a detailed piece on Aries Merritt.  There is even [...]

SHIN SPLINTS REDUX: May the Best Meds Win

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Repeated Sprint Training in Hypoxia Improves Speed Endurance

There is an interesting presentation on Repeated Sprint Training in Normobaric Hypoxia by Harvey Galvin (UK) at the Altitude Training and Team Sports Conference in Aspetar, Doha (Qatar) in March 2013. We know High intensity training in hypoxia can augments peripheral adaptation as well as improves endurance performance. But what about sprinting? Speed? Speed Endurance? [...]

Analysis of the 3 Best 100 meter Performances Ever

9.69? 9.58? 9.63? Those three numbers can mean only one thing… Usain Bolt and the greatest 3 races we have seen in this lifetime. No argument there, though some may argue the 9.79 back in 1988 was THE greatest.  Another post, another time for that discussion.  Onto the research paper… A Kinematics Analysis of the [...]

Ground Contact Times at the Harry Jerome International

This article was cross posted by Derek Hansen on Derek and I have our joint site together at where we sell our online videos and leading edge Globus SpoeedCoach EMS units. 2013 Harry Jerome International By Derek Hansen On July 1st, I shot some video at the local Harry Jerome Track Classic. It [...]

10 Questions for Pierre-Jean Vazel, Coach and Journalist

Mike Hurst is probably the best known Coach-Journalist combo out there.  But Pierre-Jean Vazel is a close second, as you probably know his name either as an Elite Coach or as a Journalist. Or both. As a coach, he coached 2 sprinters under 10.00 seconds (Nigeria’s Olusoji Fasuba 9.85 100m). The other sprinter is Ronald [...]

Usain Bolt and the Swedish Relay

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The Sad State of the 100 meter Sprints

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Alan Oliveira WR 20.66 – Should he Run in Able-Bodied Olympics?

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400m Race Secrets: First 60, Last 60

Out of the blocks, how hard do you run the first part of your 400 meters? I usually run 40 meters, then relax.  For younger athletes, I put a piece of tape and tell them to drive hard (but relaxed) until they hit that mark, then relax and fast until the straightaway where you can [...]

Aries Merritt and Andreas Behm: Getting to the Top vs Staying on Top

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6 Reasons Why Kim Collins is Clean

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