Magic Workouts with Electronic Timing

Published: Tue, 11/12/13

Success in Track & Field... and Life

In This Issue...

• Magic Workouts with Electronic Timing

• Top 3 Strength Training Articles

• Best of Aug, Sept & Oct 2013


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It's been a few months, but the monthly newsletter is back to monthly.

Track and Field (or Athletics) has been around for over 100 years, and I think all coaches have an arsenal of favorite workouts to prescribe to our athletes. These workouts are usually backed by sports science, and they work on specific energy systems, such as speed, speed endurance, or endurance sessions. (We also have weight training for strength training, but that’s another story).

For example, a good workout to develop speed (> 7 second sprint) is 2-3 sets of 4 x 30 meters with full recovery (walk back to the blocks, about 4-5 minutes).

40 years ago, we only had access to analog stopwatches, which worked fairly well, because you can’t improve what you don’t measure.

Now that Electronic Timing and smartphones apps has hit the consumer or prosumer market, we now have access to more accurate timing systems.

And thus, our workouts can now change with the use of technology. Gone are the days of prescribing a standard 10x50m, just for the sake of doing it, for example.

If you’ve read my Blog for a while, you know I am an advocate of Freelap Timing Systems, but for the purpose of this article, ANY electronic timing system will work.  So here are sample workouts using electronic timing that can bring fresh ideas to your arsenal of workouts.

>> Click here for the full article.

3 Strength Training Articles 

Every fall, I re-evaluate my strength and conditioning program.  It’s never the same every 2 years as each athlete will change physically and strength wise.

You can choose to work on their strengths, or work on their weaknesses.  Your choice.

Probably the best series of articles is a 3 part series (chopped up into 5 parts) with Derek Evely (compiled by Tom Crick).

I highly recommend reading these and applying the principles to your workouts.

From 2009 to 2012 Derek Evely was UK Athletics’ Center Director for the Loughborough High Performance Centre (the other being in Lee Valley with Dan Pfaff as Center Director) 

>> Click here for the entire series.


Best of Aug-Nov 2013

As always, here are the best articles for Aug 2013, Sept 2013, and Oct 2013. Lots of good stuff there.


Jimson Lee

Top 12 Most Popular Articles

Legally Cheating with Stimulants 

Mike & Meg Stone: Periodization for Strength Power Sports 

Interview with John Godina, World Athletics Center founder & Elite Shot Putter

Questions & Answers on Peter Weyand’s Research

The 400 meters Run-Your-Age Club 

Frans Bosch on Biomechanics and Human Movement [PODCAST] 

Adjusting Times for Wind (Quick & Dirty Method)

Racing 400 Meters: Differences in Elite Men and Women 

Weight Training: Strength, Muscle Mass, and Endurance 

400m Race Pace Strategies – How your 200m PB Influences your Performance Options 

Treating Pain and Inflammation with Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and Vioxx 

Sub 10 100m vs Sub 4 Minute Mile – Which is Harder? 

Past Newsletters

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  • Speed Training: How to Time Yourself Properly

  • Your Body is like a Car: It's Mileage, not Age that Matters

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  • 800m Training with Scott Christensen

  • IOC & IAAF Nutrition Consensus

  • Learning with Tom Tellez and Dan Pfaff

  • How to Improve Acceleration

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