Angela Ross - Yoga For Wellness

Main List (Tribe)

With love from Spain

Published: Wed, 12/20/23

Hey there my friend Just checking in with you to see how's it going at this busy time of the year? It's worth taking some time out for yourself to…

Hey ;-)

Published: Mon, 12/11/23

Hope you've had a good weekend my friend, get much done? It's that time of year when it's all go with the Chrimbo planning so why not give yourself…

Planning ahead

Published: Mon, 12/04/23

You good my friend? I've made it to Spain and we are well settled into our new place slightly tainted by the fact this bloody lurgy has got me well…

Hey ;-)

Published: Wed, 11/22/23

You good my friend? It seems like this winter bug thing is hitting a lot of people at the minute I've had it and it really did take the wind out of my…

The nomad life

Published: Fri, 11/17/23

It's never too late to do things different It's been 3 weeks since we sold our forever home and drove the 7 hour journey to get to here to…

Sleep deprived = Grumpy AF

Published: Thu, 11/16/23

💌 And that's when the craving critters plague you 🍫 Morning my friend, I hope you are well I slept like a absolute baby following last night's class…

I don't know why I was so nervous 😵‍💫

Published: Tue, 11/14/23

😵‍💫 I felt sick to my stomach 😵‍💫 You know when you get that sick feeling when something big is going down, whether it's something uncomfortable or e…

The real you

Published: Thu, 11/09/23

No hiding away Hey lovely, How are you feeling moving into the depths of winter? Getting up when it's dark can make your day feel much longerAnd…

Where to start

Published: Mon, 11/06/23

8 WEEK PLAN 📆 Time is ticking away my friend! Do you realise that 8 weeks today is actually the 1st of January 2024! I mean what the.... The one day…

A personal note

Published: Fri, 11/03/23

💌 Maybe a little deep 💌 Morning my friend,I wanted to drop you a quick message to let you know what's been going on For the past week I have been…

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