3 Great Reads, and Giving Thanks to the Community

Published: Tue, 01/06/15

Success in Track & Field... and Life


In This Issue...

• 3 Free ebooks

Got a Cold? Be careful of Pseudoephedrine!  

• Social Media Update

• Best Articles from Fall/Winter 


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This newsletter will return to a monthly schedule, usually the first Tuesday of every month.  There will be content that does NOT appear on the regular Blog, so be sure to keep these emails handy for the links, videos or PDFs.  

If you are completely removed from Track & Field, and no longer coaching or training as an athlete, feel free to unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  No strings attached, and I won’t be offended :)

The first thing I want to do is thank all the guest writers in 2014, which included 20 coaches, therapists, and other professionals.  I gave a shout out to all 20 in this article, but there are 3 individuals with a free ebook that I will share with you.  These authors contributed great articles as well as they have their own commercial books.  


Got a Cold? Be careful of Pseudoephedrine!

There are some changes as of January 1, 2015 in terms of drug use.

The most significant change is Pseudoephedrine,a substance commonly used to treat nasal and sinus congestion, otherwise known as cold medicine. WADA has removed pseudoephedrine from the 2014 Monitoring Program and it is now on the Prohibited List.

For athletes, this means pseudoephedrine concentrations found in urine above 150 microgram per millilitre are prohibited in-competition in all sports.  Medications that contain pseudoephedrine such as the old formulation Sudafed must be ceased 24 hours prior to competition.

You can buy the “new" formulation of Sudafed over the counter, but the older version with pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is available behind the counter requiring your ID and a maximum of one box per day (this may vary by state & country).  The reason for this to prevent homemade crystal meth… I think the TV series Breaking Bad made this a well known fact worldwide.

More details on the new rules here:



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Best of Fall/Winter 2014

As always, here are the best articles from late last year.


Jimson Lee


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