8 Lesser Known Tips to Sprint Faster

Published: Wed, 05/07/14

Success in Track & Field... and Life


In This Issue...

• 8 Lesser Known Tips to Run Faster

• First 4 Minute Mile revisited  

• New ebook this month

• Awesome Guest writers and Best of Spring 2014


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Upfront apologies…

I am going to be overly-Canadian and apologize now for the “HTTP 500 Internal Server Error” you may receive when reading the Blog.  The popularity of the site has grown tremendously, and I’ll be switching over to a new web hosting provider soon to accommodate the traffic.

If you get this error, simply reload or refresh the page.  It’s a tiny glitch, but annoying nevertheless.


Do This, Don’t do That, Can’t you Read the Signs?

If you watch a High School 100m dash, you will see 8 different styles and forms of running.

If you watch the Olympic 100m final, all 8 sprinters have similar running styles.

Guest writer and coach Adarian Barr wrote a great article on running styles, how we got there, and 8 lesser known tips to correct it.

We all know WHAT to do, but it's HOW to correct and fix it.  That's the key to running faster.



First sub four minute mile.

Yesterday was the 60th anniversary of the first sub four minute mile.

It’s hard to believe Roger Bannister wanted to quit Athletics two years prior his record breaking run after his disappointing 4th place 1500m at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics.  He had trained for only two rounds using speed and intervals as his base, only to discover the event having three rounds. 

Instead of quitting, he focused his goal on breaking the longtime world record of 4:01 while being a full time student and living on a British ration diet.

Thanks to YouTube, we have the entire race captured, and I never get tired watching it.   SPOILER ALERT – he runs 3:59.4



Bonus eBook in 2 weeks.

I have compiled a roundtable from the best coaches and sport scientists to answer the 7 most common questions in Track & Field.  It will be given free to newsletter subscribers so Stay Tuned! (i.e. don’t unsubscribe)  These are the questions:

  1. Is sprint running primarily an acquired skill or innate ability?  Are sprinters born, and not made?
  2. What are the mechanical requirements for achieving fast running speeds?
  3. Which muscles or muscle actions should a coach focus on while training away from the track?
  4. What is the relative importance of stride frequency vs. stride length for top speed running?
  5. Is dorsiflexion of the ankle joint prior to ground contact beneficial and if so, why?
  6. What is the importance of arm swinging in sprinting?
  7. Does the action of sprinting involve more of a pushing action or a pulling action against the ground?


Other Guest Writers

The past 2 months has seen some great guest writers.

If you love statistics, Ian Graham’s articles are a must-read (they were all featured on Track & Field News)

If you want to train short speed, check out former CFL Quarterback Larry Jusdanis’ articles

And Travis Hansen, author of The Speed Encyclopedia, has some great articles on speed & power development. 


Best of the last 2 months

As always, here are the best articles from March and April.


Jimson Lee


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